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Let Us Sell Your Home!


Selling a home is the largest business transaction most of us will ever make. The selling process can be very complex and time consuming, however with the aid of our services, be certain that you will come away completely satisfied and stress free. One of our main responsibilities is to arrive at an accurate estimate of value for your home.  We don’t waste time and resources telling you what you want to hear, we give it to you straight and simple.  Our job is to sell your home – not put a sign in the yard.  We carefully investigate the real estate market and compare your property with similar listings to make sure that you receive the highest amount you deserve for your home.


We will follow a step-by-step marketing program that will provide you with service that is professional and courteous. In the end, you will be sure that the price you set reflects the true value of your home under current market conditions . . . rest assured that you will be completely satisfied with your selling price once we have completed the proper research and evaluation of your home.

Free Reports

My services include:


  • Educate you through the entire process

  • Listen to your needs to understand your real estate objectives

  • Help you understand all of the paperwork

  • Handle any problems that arise during the transaction

  • Properly prepare forms, contracts and disclosures, which are required by law

  • Provide comparable sales data to assure that you are setting the proper price for your home

  • Guide you regarding the repairs that should be made

  • Guide you in your selection of escrow/closing and title people

  • Oversee the closing process

  • Help you spot buyers who are attempting to take advantage of you

  • Help you understand the use and limitations of good faith deposits

  • Advise you as to when you should seek the advice of an attorney

  • Help you to understand the complete escrow/closing and title process

  • Guide you as to how the escrow/closing instructions should be prepared

  • Advise you as to what course of action should be taken if the buyer refuses to close the transaction

  • Negotiate and deal effectively on your behalf with the buyers, other agents, title people and attorneys

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